Poetry & Words


If I had a TiVo for my mind,
you’d probably press “pause”
and “rewind,” and watch all the words
tripping over my tongue at a
more convenient time.

If my life were a video game,
you would likely say it was
lame, and tell me to sell it on eBay
while you shot at “Mother Brain.”

But what do I care if you dote
or won’t, and who cares if you
don’t like my show, cause
if we were ever to co-star,
you’d probably hog the remote.

16 thoughts on “Playback

  1. Please stop by at your leisure and view my post, Kreativity Strikes. It can be found on my Unexpected Gifts tab. You are not required to accept the award but I would like you to know that I appreciate what you do and have nominated you for the recognition. Keep up the kreative posts!

  2. Hi, I like the new blog theme. I also like the idea of comparing life to a video game and the thought of having TiVo for the mind.

  3. I caught the displaced rhyme scheme but I cannot discover the form. Is it a form or did you create it? Anyway, I enjoyed the humor, the sarcasm, and the frustration in your words. Good luck!!

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