Poetry & Words

Blogroll comeback tour

Dedicated to my previous post

I’m bringin’ my blogroll back,
sort of like Justin Timberlake did to sexy
several years back.

Get your blogroll on.
Get your blogroll on.
Get your blogroll on.

19 thoughts on “Blogroll comeback tour

    1. Oh God!!! You guys!!! I am Dying with laughter here because even after reading Danielle’s response I still didn’t get it!!! πŸ˜† I even said the words ‘blogroll…..blog roll…..blog roll….blogroll’ over and over. Lord. Well! Now I can proudly say,

      I GET IT!!!! Thank goodness! Thank You, You are all so funny and much quicker on the uptake than I!!

      Cheers and Namaste Ladies and All! πŸ™‚

  1. Okay Miss Danielle?!!! What’s up with all the sexy donut talk!!! Come on Ladies! I saw it over at Jaymie’s, and now here in azfree’s!!!

    What am I missing out on?? πŸ™‚

    Hey azfree! I’m honoured to be included on Your blogroll and when I’m not running I’m putting You on mine. Cheers and Namaste! πŸ™‚

    1. No, mom, it wasn’t me, I swear!! LOL…Ok, so Az here said blogroll made her think of jelly donuts, then she announced the comeback of her blogroll using Justin Timberlake’s “sexy back” song. And thus, a sexy jelly donut idea planted itself in the brain.
      See, it was all Az’s fault!!!! LOLOLOL

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